Short: Software for Solas LED controller board Author: Rob Cranley Uploader: (Rob Cranley) Type: driver/other Version: 0.10 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 Requires: 68020+ Solas ~~~~~ This archive contains: - SolasControl, the main software for adjusting all of Solas' features - SolasHost, a commodity to enable Solas control via ARexx - SolasStyle, a Shell command for applying styles exported from SolasControl - SolasTemps, a commodity for reading the temperature sensors and controlling the fan speed - SolasEnviro, a commodity for reading i2c temperature/pressure/humidity sensors of the BMP/BME280 type - SolasLCD, a Shell comand for displaying messages on an i2c LCD module attached to Solas - SolasCheck, a diagnostic tool for checking Solas communications - solasfirmware-uni0.13.hex, the current Solas Firmware version This software is still in beta, and contains known bugs! Use it at your own risk! Key changes for this release include: - Bug fixes for fan control and LCD - Support for Grove and SparkFun LCD modules - Support for LCD backlight & contrast control - Addition of an audio event type - Addition of ARexx support commodity Changes in this Version ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SolasControl 0.10 (20.02.2022) - Added support for Grove (Seeed) and SerLCD (SparkFun) LCD modules - Fixed invisible RGB backlight address gadget - Added support for "audio" event type - Reduced temperature refresh frequncy - Added support for LCD module contrast setting - Added LCD backlight & contrast settings to the live preview function SolasTemps 0.9 (18.02.2022) - Removed sensor name tooltype support as these names are set in SolasControl - Added option to save temperatures and fan speed in env variables for use elsewhere - Added UNITS tooltype to optionally select degrees F as the displayed units - Added short delay before reading sensor names to try eliminate occasional spurious characters SolasHost 0.1 (20.02.2022) - First release Solas Firmware 0.13 (20.02.2022) - Added support for Grove (Seeed) and SerLCD (SparkFun) LCD modules - Added support for RGB LCD backlights and LCD contrast setting on supported modules - Added "audio" event, triggered by audio peaks exceeding a threshold - Fixed event triggering stretch to avoid flickering back to idle event - Fixed calculation overflow error in temperature sensor readings - Adjusted default values of temperature settings - Added commands for direct control of LCD from Amiga side - Fixed bug in fan speed control calculations that sometimes caused hunting - Fixed missing 2nd line bug in LCD messages